Saturday, February 13, 2010

Meetup Cancellation

Hi Everyone-

With regret I must inform you that our book club meetup will be cancelled until further notice. I have tried to no avail to garner more interest in the club as a whole but with everyone's Spring schedules it's looking quite tricky. Although we do love the pleasure of our friend's company, it has been difficult to put so much effort into the actual meetup without having enough indication of who will actually make it. With all of this said, I will continue reading a new book each month and posting it here, in the hopes that you will read along with us. I would like to keep Book Club going in some form, but I'm unsure of how to make that happen. I am very open to suggestions. We've been reading together for a year. My vision last summer was to have at least a dozen people together once a month, whether it be at our apartment or at a coffee shop. I'd still love to see that happen. Please let me know if you have any questions, ideas, etc.

I've loved getting to know my new friends and I hope to be a part of your 2010. :)

Happy Reading,
