Thursday, March 17, 2011

News. Green Beer. Reading.

Good Evenin' to Ye- said in my best Irish accent, which is actually pretty terrible. Terrible enough that I don't think I'll honor anyone with the sound of it besides my husband, after we've had a few pints tonight.

Happy St. Paddy's!

Book club has long since come and gone so I won't bore you to tears with that story, but I would like to encourage my friends, colleagues, and anyone else popping over here to check things out to jump on the bandwagon with me and read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Klay- Michael Chabon. I've got it on high authority that this book. must. be. read. by. all. It is big, and it is long, but I won't be intimidated (that's what she said...)!

Maybe I'll even talk someone into having a cup o' joe with me and chatting about it some time in April. Let me know if you're reading along!

Lastly, I'm part of a cool site called . You can list all of your books and rate them and make lists of what you want to read and share it with your friends. From what I've heard, there's also an iPhone app that let's you scan all of the books on your bookshelf into the website as well. Sounds fun! Go sign up for your goodreads account and add me as a friend.

Happy reading, and green beering!